One example ...
Deepak and Shirin Gadhia integrated a workshop for producing solar community kitchens into their eco-center in Gujarat, India. With the help of Solare Brücke and our partner organisations Ulog, Globosol and Eg-Solar they managed to set up a business which is working at full capacity. In 1996/97 for example they installed a solar kitchen of 24 reflectors at a spiritual university in Mont Abu (Radjasthan). The reflectors are set up on the flat roof of the building and create steam which is conducted into the downstairs kitchen catering for 1000 students.
Impressed by its superb performance, the operator in Abu (Brahma Kumaris) has installed another solar steam system in their headquaters, comprising of 84 reflectors, catering for up to 18000 people.
A number of steamkitchens has been built since, by variouse manufacturers.
Using the Sun in Europe
There is a great, yet unexploited potential for using solar energy in Europe, - not just in high-tech applications.
Showing that solar cooking is not a „third-world-technology" but holds realistic possibilities for use in our own country is one of our goals.
Therefore we are informing people by practical demonstrations at schools, exhibitions, fairs etc. about efficient and technologically simple ways of using the sun at our geographical latitude (cooking with solar box cookers, SK 14 and Scheffler-reflectors, heating up water with simple collectors).
Our mobile solar kitchen is used as an energetically self-sufficient catering unit for parties, fairs, etc. Its capacity is sufficient for about 30 meals.
Technical Developments
for the success of solar cooking it is of great importance to further improve the convenience of use of the cookers, adapt them to the need of the users and to develop new applications.
Solare Brücke has supported many students doing their research papers, internships or final papers with know-how in this area.